Thursday, December 11, 2008

The quiz that Li Ying call me to do

1.What have you been doing recently?Playing Audition
2.Do you ever turn off your cell phone off? Ya, When dead battrey and when sleep.
3.What happened at 10am today? Eat breakfast??
4.When did you last cry? Juz...
5.Believe in fate/destiny? Quite
6.What do you want in your life now?A car to drive.
7.Do you tend to make relationship complicated? nope .
8.Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone? Sometimes. If in need
9.What was the last movie you caught? High School Musical 3
10.Does that person know you like him/her? Maybe...
11.Who always makes you laugh? Mrs Siva me form teacher, of course!
12.Do you speak lauguages other than English? ya
13.Favourite website(s) =p
14.What are you doing tomorrow?Play Audition
15.What do you think you are like?A happy boy???
16.Who will you choose to die with ? No one larhs.
17.Where have you been today? Play Audition??
18.What games do you play often? Audition=P
19.Who are you missing right now? All me Malaysia cousin and pet.
20.If you choose a friend and a love,who will you choose? Choose both?
21.What are you doing now? Thinking of playing audition now?
22.Which primary sch are you from? SQPS
23.Name 3 colours that you like. Blue,Green,Yellow
24.What emoticon do you like to show? ^^
25.What is life to you? important !
26.If you have something troubling you,what will you do? Tell my mother or sister?
27.Who did you last chat with on msn today? Shaik=Me classmate
28.Who do you admire the most? My mun.
29.Which month are you born in?May
30.How are you feeling right now?Tired
31.What is the time now?8.11pm
32.What kind of person do you think the one who tagged you is?idk
33.What colour do you use to dye your hair? nothing.
34.Why are you doing this quiz? coz i am being requested.
35.What do you do when you're moody? Tell mum or sista?
36.At which age do you wish to get married? 20++
37.Who is more important to you? My parents of course.
38.If today is the last day of your life,what will you do? Nothing....
39.What is/are the person/people you trust the most? Mother
40.Do you believe seeing the rainbow after the rain? Sometimes.
41.If you have a dream come true,wat would it be?To have a pet dog
42.What is your goal this year?get into JSS
3.Do you believe in eternity love? actually,no
44.What feeling do you love the most? Happy?
45.Do you think it is global warming right now?Of course! Don't u study about that?
46.What feeling do you hate the most?Dissapointment
47.Do you like doing quizzes? Sometime,If it is short.
48.Do you believe in Gods? Maybe....
49.Who cares for you the most? Family
50.What do you think is the most important thing in your life?Having a good parents and Computer.
51.What will you bring when you fight? Victory!
52.What have you regretted doing in your whole life? Make mother angry?><
53.What do you do if nobody cared for you any longer ? Be sad?
54.What will you do if your boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you?Juz break up
55.How do you feel right now? Harsh,coz wanna play audi ler!

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