Monday, December 8, 2008

After a 4 days of Malaysia-KL trip with me family. I am finally back in Singapore. Sian lar T_T. Nth to do in Singapore. I hab taken some pics, usin me phone.

I think may post the pic other time hahax! Taken too many.

Went there by train and reach there at 7.00 am and soo tired. The train keep shaking so noisy oso. Later go makan and then put luggage. Went there scared coz u noe there got 2 dog in me aunt house and keep barking at us. Then saw cats lorhs.

After that go to a malaysia president place to view the house so nice sia. Like palace lyke that lorhs. But cannot go in coz need to wear the malay clothing.

Later go eat ice kachang. The ice kachang soooo cute. Ice on top hab ice-cream lorhs!!!!

After that went to tian hou gong but raining awhile then go home. Bathe then play with cat named, bai mao.

She so cute lorhs. Later went to eat dinner then go Twins Tower to take pictures.

Erm 2moro then tell u the rest k???? Coz playing com ler! HAHAX

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