Friday, February 10, 2012

Fight for you by Jason Derulo.
This song is very nice! Glenmond recommend me one :D

Life is a boring as usual.
Realized the my temper has became worst. ><
Currently now I cannot take joke.
Will get angry when they tell a very insulting joke.

I am starting to dislike english lesson as the teacher kept on talking about the newspaper article.
It has been about 3-4 days talking about the same article.
It made me fall asleep larhs. ><
And I have simply no interest to listen to what she say!...
I prefer hands on stuff like doing more compre or compo and not listening to the teacher talk.
Gosh! Next week she is going to talk about the same article again. DAMN!

Common test is next week and started studying for 2 days only.
Finished drawing out Chemistry and Physics mindmap and gonna try remembering all the things that I have wrote.
Wish that I can pass my common test!

Changed my blogskin to Jessica, Tiffany and Seohyun :D
It's very nice! I loved it! Credits to me xD hhaa!

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