Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sunday(21 Febuary 2010):
My sister friends come to our house,
about ten of them.
They came and we gambled.
At first i emo-ed and played maple,
but all thanks to my sister who ask me join the game.
At first when playing Spade 2(Cho dai di),
I win abit money,
but later lose money -.-
Then 21 dots, whenever i take 4 cards sure BOOM one.
So lose quite alot of money.
My sister also lose money.
Gambled till 5++ they went off.

Monday(22 Febuary 2010):
I damn dulan lorhs,
My English teacher damn ass,
shaik sick then i help him pass the paper behind, the teacher go shout at me>.<
Then i was like pek cek then shout back say Shaik not feeling well so i help pass behind.
I was like WHATEVA *Roll Eyes*
She DAMN ASS! I hate her!
Ms Lim better :D
So kind.
Then after school retest for maths,
Idk how do question 2.
Then the rest okay okay lorhs.

Today(23 February 2010):
EL as boring as usual,
Feel like sleeping all the way sia...
Next time when u lie down on the table and fell asleep,
when the teacher wake you up, you can say:"I am not asleep, i can hear what she talking"
But true, when Ms Lim wake me up i haven fall asleep.
PE, Me and delon emo-ed,
Un-hyper marhs.
Then sit near the staircase, i did some stretching, pain sia...
Ms Lin nbr see us so nvr play till the game.
MT: Mdm Soo never come so Mr Lin our relive teacher,
So we did comprehension and i played treasure hunt with Jed,
I hide his Pencil box.
Then he find, just nice Mr Thum come in Jed almost go complain.
So ya, i clever go tell him :D
After School:
Retest again, I got xing xin that i will get 70% and above :D haha!

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