Wednesday, December 23, 2009

the camp rocks man!
Ok going post about the camp today.

1st day:
Went to meet the seniors at Jurong Point MRT,
then board the MRT.
Then in MRT JianDa damn funny can!
Like Mime-ing.
Then Aish keep thinking of stories that related to JianDa actions,
Funny sia!
Reach Orchard liao then wait for the seniors to fetch us to pyramid club.
Senior come liao then walk to pyramid club.
There damn nice can!!!!!
Went the arrange stuffs then brief and played ice-breaker and whacko and double whacko.
Fun sia xD
Everybody camp at CheeYang there.
CheeYang damn much enemy k? =P
Later went to Singapore Arts Museum.
Walk around and listen to the people there talk talk talk.
Damn bored can?! Almost fell asleep.
Ran around Orchard Road with XueLing,WaiMin,WeiShi,YaoNian.
Did some stupid and hard stuff but....
Not paiseh at all.
When walking back SAM,
We kinda walk wrong way so we are the last one!
Took bus with GOR peeps back to Pyramid Club!
Slept on bus larhs xD
Later BBQ :D
I love bbq man! Especially the BBQ chicken wings.
Ate alot,alot,alot! :D
After BBQ played polar bear.
Quite fun larhs.
Next time i teach u guys =D
We played secret code then
Debrief then use WeiKiat laptop to watch anime with Sammantha and Saras :D
After that went to sleep at 2++++a.m.
Can't sleep k?
As there is people snoring on my left and right.
Actually going Orchard Road late at night but cannot larhs D:
Nvm. Listen to songs then use handphone chat with Jianda.

2nd day:
Wake up at 7.30 am,
ate breakfast then we play game.
Later got people come to train us.
Quite fun larhs xD
Ms PeiLing chio =P
Then did some practices then some acting and reading.
After that eat lunch and continue the training.
After training dinner :D
Dinner is BUFFET!
Damn nice can?!
After Dinner kish told us that we can go swimming :D
We jump into the pool then play play.
I keep pulling ViJay in the pool =P
Played the FLOAT and CATCHING!
Keep aiming Clement =P
Then at one part Clement want to drown me -.-
Struggle and Kick lorhs.
Later he let me go.
Did some bad thing =P
Letting Rizwana in the middle of the pool.
Swim ,Play,Swim,Play then later go bathe and went in to eat buffet :D
Eat liao debrief then sleep time :D
Took ViJay place =P and slept with WeiJun :D
But talk with Yao Nian and CheeYang 1st.
Later went to sleep.

3rd day:
Woke up at 8++ then makan breakfast then got some activity.
Did some doodling activity.
The doodle art piece damn horny can?
Got a women wearing bikini and a men wearing underpants.
Later need act out.
PeiWen damn funny!
She put her hair under armpit and then it look like damn long armpit hair.
Later act act then can go swimming again :D
Swim,Swim! Alot of people swim can?
Then 7++ write cards then 8++ leave pyramid club.
Went to Far East Plaza and ate.
ViJay damn funny say eat what Astalavista?
thn is White Rice oni -.- Crappp!
Took MRT home with Aini,Haqeem,XueLing,Sharnie,WeiKiat,ViJay.
ViJay damn crap can?
He say what he rich then what from America?
Sharnie and Xueling act till damn funny too.
What ViJay said then they do silent faint =P
Reach home 10++ then bathe then SLEEP!


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