Wednesday, December 30, 2009

This few days gonna be busy larhs.
Got volunteer work at Expo.
Never post oso at home keep playing Sims 2 :D

Alvin and the chipmunks;the squeakel ROX MANNNN!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Okay...yesterday went to TJCC help out the design but then i damn slack k? =P
Then design design then went JP.
We walk there lorhs =P
When we(Sandy,XueLing,PeiWoon,Clement,JianDa) walk there we did a very dumb thing,
when crossing pedestrian crossing we raise our hand =P
Then all laugh :D
Reach home 12.01pm!



Wednesday, December 23, 2009

the camp rocks man!
Ok going post about the camp today.

1st day:
Went to meet the seniors at Jurong Point MRT,
then board the MRT.
Then in MRT JianDa damn funny can!
Like Mime-ing.
Then Aish keep thinking of stories that related to JianDa actions,
Funny sia!
Reach Orchard liao then wait for the seniors to fetch us to pyramid club.
Senior come liao then walk to pyramid club.
There damn nice can!!!!!
Went the arrange stuffs then brief and played ice-breaker and whacko and double whacko.
Fun sia xD
Everybody camp at CheeYang there.
CheeYang damn much enemy k? =P
Later went to Singapore Arts Museum.
Walk around and listen to the people there talk talk talk.
Damn bored can?! Almost fell asleep.
Ran around Orchard Road with XueLing,WaiMin,WeiShi,YaoNian.
Did some stupid and hard stuff but....
Not paiseh at all.
When walking back SAM,
We kinda walk wrong way so we are the last one!
Took bus with GOR peeps back to Pyramid Club!
Slept on bus larhs xD
Later BBQ :D
I love bbq man! Especially the BBQ chicken wings.
Ate alot,alot,alot! :D
After BBQ played polar bear.
Quite fun larhs.
Next time i teach u guys =D
We played secret code then
Debrief then use WeiKiat laptop to watch anime with Sammantha and Saras :D
After that went to sleep at 2++++a.m.
Can't sleep k?
As there is people snoring on my left and right.
Actually going Orchard Road late at night but cannot larhs D:
Nvm. Listen to songs then use handphone chat with Jianda.

2nd day:
Wake up at 7.30 am,
ate breakfast then we play game.
Later got people come to train us.
Quite fun larhs xD
Ms PeiLing chio =P
Then did some practices then some acting and reading.
After that eat lunch and continue the training.
After training dinner :D
Dinner is BUFFET!
Damn nice can?!
After Dinner kish told us that we can go swimming :D
We jump into the pool then play play.
I keep pulling ViJay in the pool =P
Played the FLOAT and CATCHING!
Keep aiming Clement =P
Then at one part Clement want to drown me -.-
Struggle and Kick lorhs.
Later he let me go.
Did some bad thing =P
Letting Rizwana in the middle of the pool.
Swim ,Play,Swim,Play then later go bathe and went in to eat buffet :D
Eat liao debrief then sleep time :D
Took ViJay place =P and slept with WeiJun :D
But talk with Yao Nian and CheeYang 1st.
Later went to sleep.

3rd day:
Woke up at 8++ then makan breakfast then got some activity.
Did some doodling activity.
The doodle art piece damn horny can?
Got a women wearing bikini and a men wearing underpants.
Later need act out.
PeiWen damn funny!
She put her hair under armpit and then it look like damn long armpit hair.
Later act act then can go swimming again :D
Swim,Swim! Alot of people swim can?
Then 7++ write cards then 8++ leave pyramid club.
Went to Far East Plaza and ate.
ViJay damn funny say eat what Astalavista?
thn is White Rice oni -.- Crappp!
Took MRT home with Aini,Haqeem,XueLing,Sharnie,WeiKiat,ViJay.
ViJay damn crap can?
He say what he rich then what from America?
Sharnie and Xueling act till damn funny too.
What ViJay said then they do silent faint =P
Reach home 10++ then bathe then SLEEP!


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Have fun yesterday :D
Went to CCA bbq :D
So fun!
Thanks to the senior for planning the things larhs!
It totally ROCKS!
And Special thanks to Nadra dad as he is the one who cook the food for us =P
Yummy ;D
During the BBQ we gossip about someone and someone and everybody agrees abt someone!

Can't wait for gift camp hoho!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

P.s some i have not relink as i am too lazy =P
So relink other time k?

Wow! I've used the computer for 9hours 30minutes >.<
Including bathing,eating and resting.
Eyes gonna spoil soon? -.-
So maybe offing computer soon after doing what i should do.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Can't wait for tuesday to come :D
As maybe going to see wu ben fa shi and dang jia shi!
1 week i will be busy :D HOHOHO!
Can't wait for saturday BBQ too :D HAHA!
Arghs! Can't find a skin!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Here are the video's!

Song name:(高山青)

Song Name:(Return to innocence)

Song Name:________

Zhen Ru and Lim Soong Trying to make smoke :D

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Alrights,I am back from Taiwan :D!
Taiwan rocks man!
I wish i can go back again....

1st day:
Met at Changi Airport then check in and eat together,
After that we went in the plane then i sit with my parents.
From Singapore to Taiwan estimated time is 4hr 15mins.
Reach Taiwan then the 师父 at there waiting for us.
Not only we go taiwan,
Still have da lin lao shin, ma lao shi ,qiu lao shi, lim soong, zhen ru.
Went to eat dinner then later play with dog.
After that me, Zhen Ru and Lim Soong close liao.
All thanks to the dog! HOHOHO!
Then take 4hr car to jia yi as we are at Taoyuan when we alight from plane.
Reach 西林寺 about 12pm midnight.
Change clothes then sleep.
西林寺 and our hostel is in the forest one(荒山野岭)
Night quite cold in Taiwan

2nd day:
Woke up early in the morning then go to 西林寺 makan breakfast.
Ate porridge then went out.
If i not wrong we go to temple first.
The temple damn scary lorhs,
The poeple like keep shake head then they dk what they doing like that.
Is like shen shang shen....
Then there eat lunch then there got a dong called, chu mu dong.
Once the dong wu yuan wu gu chu mi one, then the people tam xia go dig bigger the dong then no rice ever come out liao.
Then later got to a place.
There got a thing super weird.
The name is shui huo tong yuan(水火同源).
The hole got fire then the fire come out from water one :O
After that went to a place full of Lotus! Damn nice! :D
Later went to a 师姐house.
The house must climb up the mountain one,
Reach the house, damn tired.
Later climb down.
Then eat hotpot at 西林寺 then go back to the place we stay and sleep.

3rd day(not quite remember the things ps!):
Went to eat at the store then the dough stick(油条)damn long lorhs.
HAHA! Nice!
Later we went to another 师姐 shop see thing then go her house drink tea.
师父like drinking tea one.
Then i not sure liao,
if not wrong we went to a shop to look look lorhs.
Then eat Hotpot.
The soup is ma la(麻辣)and sour soup(酸汤),
I love the sour soup :D
Then went back 西林寺 sleep lorhs.

4th day:
Woke up 6.30a.m
Ate breakfast then got 法会(三时续念)then at there sing 佛经,
sing till night then go to sleep.

5th day:
Woke up 7++ am i think.
Ate breakfast then practice 花鼓.
Went out at 11++am
Went to 阿里山(a li shan) to stay.
Reach there about 4++p.m as the mountain is abt 60km(2258 above sea lvl)
Then damn cold lorhs(8 degree celcius)
Sad that we can't go to the top as the 巴巴水灾effect till and mud slide(土坯).
Got one house almost fall down lorhs. Got crack in between but behind all gone :O
Behind carpark but now nth.
Watch the people dance then went to eat.
Ate Stone Hotpot(石头火锅),
damn nice!
Love it lorhs!
Then got some side dish barhs.
Nice oso!
After eat LimSoong, ZhenRu & n me play with smoke :D
Damn funny =P
Laughed then went to check in liao.
The hotel room damn nice :O
Then oso damn cold larhs.
In room played UNO with Zhen Ru and LimSoong then went to sleep.

6th day:
Woke up in morning then go makan porridge.
Then go walk walk then went back 西林寺 eat lunch ate hotpot :D
Nice Nice!
Then 师父 tired liao then we go rest lorhs.
Then ate hotpot for dinner :D
Nice Agn =P
Then they went out but Lim Soong,Zhen Ru,ma lao shi and me went back to hostel.
On the way back still got one road damn dark marhs.
Then we scared :OO
Went back hostel told them ghost stories =P
Then scared, hoho!
Then sleep.

7th day:
Woke up 6++
Then go eat breakfast then bring our luggage to prepare to go back singapore D:
Then later went eat lunch then go seat 高铁.
Reach airport makan then take plane then reach Singapore!

P.S i abit for got the things liao....
I miss 悟本师,当家师,Zhen Ru,Lim Soong! Hope to see u all soon!