Friday, March 27, 2009

BORED!!!!!! SO keep do quiz><

1 . If you could change your name , wad would it be ?
Can i not answer this question? Coz i am ok with this name.
2 . Do you think you are good looking ?
Nope. :D
3 . Are you single or taken ?
Single! (Anyone interested in me?) :D
4 . Are you happily single of taken ?
huh ? i dun understand. hehhehs.
5 . Wads your favourite colours ?
All the bright colours
6 . Do you think th world is round or flat ?
what do u think ? -.- Round luhhs ! toopid siaa.
7 . Spongebob or Patrick ?
Spongebob. (:
8 . Chuckie or Tommy?
9 . Pooh or Eeyore ?
10 . Black or White ?
Both. (:
11 . Who are your best friend ?
12 . Who is your enemy ?
Those who bullied me
13 . Who is your hero ?
Myself ! xD
14 . Who was th last person you saw ?
15 . Who was th last person you hugged ?
No one.....
16 . Who was th last person you told I love them ?
Yin Shan
17 . Who is th person you miss most ?
Mrs Siva
18 . What is one thing tht brighten up your day ?
Computer :D
19 . When was th last time you went for your vacation ?
During Dece,ber holidays ?
20 . Who was th last person to annoy you ?
21 . Against or for gay marriage ?
Wad ? i dun understand. -.-
22 . Bush or Kerry ?
Who th hell are they ? -.-
23 . Against or for abortion?
Wad against. wthh. -.- (dun understand lahhs. my eng fail de ok. -.-)
24 . When was th last time you cried ?
Long time ago????
25 . When was th last time you was absolutely happy ?
When we go KL!
26 . Who was th last person you yelled at ?
Dad :X
27 . Do you think you were well liked ?
Errr, nope. i tink i am sooo extra. ):
28 . Do you go to Talawanda ?
Where the hell is tht ? -.-
Tag 7 ppl to do this quiz !!!!!!!


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