Back 2 yesterday post!
Morning school blahx blahx blahx!
Then afternoon at 2.30p.m. camp time!
Before camp,Met Faris on the bus then Poh Feng!
Carry a damn heavy bag lorhs!
Then reach JSS lerhs need to walk a long distance to front gate as i took 98 to JSS.
Then later assemble at parade square, the blazing sun
make the floor so hot and make everyone sweat lorhs><
We cannot even sit on the floor haha!
I need to sit on my sleeping bag.
If we sit on the floor without sitting on the sleeping bag our butt will be grilled!
1st activity is Brief than bla bla bla
2nd activity is PBL game! Sian lorhs
3rd activity is should be dinner barhs><
4th activity is night walk then all the gal shout! HAHAS!
5th is supper then Bathe then we 3 boii in 1 cubical lorhs! then somemore is i dunno derhs><
6th activity is Debrieve then SLEEP!
WOOTS end of day 1!
At nite Rishi go molest me><
Day 2.
Wake up then morning run lorhs damn tired
Then later Relay, then they anyhow say i run so slow!
I run very fast ler lorhs win Tze Ling liao lorhs then abit mistake oni.
Coz dunno pass the coin to who><
LAter breakfast,
Sing the stupid food cheer,
Food is healthy,
Food is Yummy,
Food is .............
Food give us energy for camp
Then i forget lerhs!
Later is study package 1-D and 1-C then Mr Wan and Ms Teo teach us skills lorhs><
Quite interesting barhs :)
Later need to build a 3meter long the roller coaster track!
Siao lorhs, i did nth haha><
Then later We success but still lose
Later they partially annoucethe score then 1C win 1D by 1 mark><><
Later Lunch!
Makan makan lorhs.
Later practice CHEER!
Love it!
All shout till sorethroat but i dun hab><
We shout till so loud sia!
Coz wanna win 1C as got Cheering competition!
Gavin the councillor teach us the step the is CHEERING COMPETITION TIME!
We CHeer and cheer and cheer!
Then u noew wat we won!
We win 1C at last when debrief that time><
So 1D is the Champion for camp'09!
Camp facillators are Caroline,Syazana,Abdulah,Wei Jun
Thanks for guiding us!