Saturday, November 15, 2008

Graduation Day

Friday 14/11/08
Today as u can see the title rite? So dun need repeat. HAHA. There is a concert and Speech and prize giving day. And i hab taken abit of pictures of our graduation concert only for Primary 6 and some other pictures like duh?!. So i am showing u.All galz cries and some boys cried. it is a damn sad days to leave the Teacher u lyke?! But i am not sad leaving the school but am sad leaving the teacher so now i can say this coz leaving school?! SHUQUN PRIMARY SCHOOL SUX?!

<-Regina and Megan-> Singing Innocence


Megan again XD
Regina and Megan

The 300 power... (The ... mean i dunno how to spell XD)

Isaac Near view with MAKE UP haha.

The sports team include soccer,basketball,netball and cheerleader.

psps hand shaking taking this pic. I am a bad camera man.

My fwen called me to take 1 as her fwen inside


The students blowing Merlion

The Whole team

Amirah me classmate

<-ME and Ivan->

My classmate Jun Hong (psst...I take his picture when haviing dinner at macdonald secretly)

<-Yin Shan and Me->

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