Thursday, November 27, 2008

This few days i went with me neigbour and we
1 we ended up playing catching with bicycle. HAHAHA. Sot Sot der.ZzzZzz.

Today is a Big day and Bad day.

The big day is my audi player and me audi dar is wedd yea?! Actually is not we do 1 is other people help der. Haha

The bad news is:
Me mother said that Wee Chieh and Li Ying change the 1st choice to Fuhua and now i cannot go same school with them ler.
i really want to go with them same school lehs. But now is to late to change. Today is the due date sians..... Nvm lorhs. Go Jurong oso lorhs. Is me dream school marhs. Sianx... All so close der friend all go seperate ways. Haiz..... Hope can in or else will be the same school as them ler haha!? But i must go in JSS must.Must.Must?!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

KKK...Now is holiday and i keep playing computer especially audition....XD
Long time no blog coz the computer thingy lorhs. I will miss me fren der. Will 1?!!!
Surely will....

Went JP on Friday and OMG 3 gal 1 boii coz Mrs Siva call us 1 then i dun care of the sms nvr pass xP haha. We eat Long John Silver and later we go Arcade after Mrs Siva went home. Then go take neoprints. I branja lorhs.zzzzzz.

Last 2 days keep play computer and play tooo long hahah......

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Yester day is TVB and Farzana Birthday!!!!! Wheets and lets lets say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THEM. K ,on a count if 1,2,3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY?!!!!!!!
They are some videos of the TVB B'day!

Raymond Lam Linda Chung Myolie Wu Bosco Wong dancing

This is a dumb video hhaahax and FUNNY

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Graduation Day

Friday 14/11/08
Today as u can see the title rite? So dun need repeat. HAHA. There is a concert and Speech and prize giving day. And i hab taken abit of pictures of our graduation concert only for Primary 6 and some other pictures like duh?!. So i am showing u.All galz cries and some boys cried. it is a damn sad days to leave the Teacher u lyke?! But i am not sad leaving the school but am sad leaving the teacher so now i can say this coz leaving school?! SHUQUN PRIMARY SCHOOL SUX?!

<-Regina and Megan-> Singing Innocence


Megan again XD
Regina and Megan

The 300 power... (The ... mean i dunno how to spell XD)

Isaac Near view with MAKE UP haha.

The sports team include soccer,basketball,netball and cheerleader.

psps hand shaking taking this pic. I am a bad camera man.

My fwen called me to take 1 as her fwen inside


The students blowing Merlion

The Whole team

Amirah me classmate

<-ME and Ivan->

My classmate Jun Hong (psst...I take his picture when haviing dinner at macdonald secretly)

<-Yin Shan and Me->

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

K larhs....Now at school computer post again. But i cannot post lerhs as in this 2 weeks coz i get banned...Nvm lorhs but actually can derhx but some of me classmate play computer when teacher say cannot...coz the all school use the same computer as MOE and the MOE is keying in our PSLE score.... So cannot play lorhs SAD... I go watch youtube ler bb

The Website....

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

psps...not posting for so long. 10 days never post liao. Yeas....I break the world recored lers?! HaHA-.- lame...

Yesterday watch HSM3 movie with me fren Jolene and Me sis like duh?! Always go with them watch movie. Eat a Combo set of popcorn and Coke. OMG so expensive lorhs $ 9 lehs. Siao?!?!?!
Heart pain lehs......HAHA=P THen go home...Blahx.Blahx.Blahx.....

Today at school post lorhs ^^ 2 weeks cannot play Lunia and Audition.......Sianxxx.