Monday, December 24, 2012

Disappointed again


Here I am again, feeling sad again. Today is supposed to be a happy day, but it ended up so depressing. I bet a lot of families are outside eating good food now. It's Christmas Eve today! And what is my family eating? Beehoon with soup. -.- Its like hello?! We are supposed to eat out, NOT AT HOME! We have not even went presents shopping yet. Lots of things happen this few days. All are not good things. Its getting more worse everyday. When will this scary things end? I wish this is only my nightmare, but its real. Shit just go serious! Sigh.... Hope tomorrow will be a better day? I wish. Again, I am disappointed by my expectations. :(

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Full of Dissapointment

Feeling super disappointed right now. I am expecting a from afternoon to night family day, but in the end, the family day lasted after 1 freaking movie! Why can't we have longer family days? I also expect to eat dinner outside before going home but in the end, we are eating dinner at home. Can my family day just be like those families that go out together from morning to night? Go shopping etc? However my family does not like shopping, movies and other stuffs. My family as in parents. So we always stay at home and do our own things. We are so not bonded! Can we just go out longer? Eat something good?
Talking about shopping for Christmas presents? POOOI! You guys did not even went to buy. Christmas is coming in like 2 more days and we have not even buy Christmas presents for each other. WHAT IS THIS?! Since we are out today, we might as well go shop for Christmas presents right? Arghs! Damn disappointed and angry! I mean like seriously? I should not compare my family with other people family, but if my family is good enough, why must i compare? I can't say that my family are not good, but there is still so much things to improve on. I guess my family just don't understand me well. I just wish for a longer family day out. Like the four of us going shopping, movies, singing K. It's just so simple. Can they do it for me? Or for us? :(

High expectations will eventually leads to disappointment.