Hey blog, guess I am back. I think it is kind of cool to blog :D
Will try to keep my blog alive.... Ahhhh! I have a lot of things to post that I am dying to post the past few days but I did not coz I am addicted to Sims 2 :D
Sometimes, I could not really understand what the people is thinking now.
Are they thinking evil things? kind things? happy things? angry things?
I just don't know.
MDM SEET MEI LING is my freaking new CCA teacher in-charge.
Today CCA day is okay barhs,
I hope this year we recruited 10 people :D
Coz this year only got 2 Club CCA.
The sad thing is that quite a lot of people is interested in Media Works.
Went to Gift Of Reading call back just now and it seems that we are not that bonded...
Is it me or what? Nevermind, we will be more bonded when the time pass! Currently, I have blacklisted 2 people from gift of reading :D Heh!
Should end here barhs. My english really CMI! ><