Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Going Taiwan 2moro.
Can't wait.
So blog is gonna be dead for 1 week!

Dk what to post......

Tag replies:
jolene: HAHA. Thanks for your "WELCOME BACK" line? HAHA.
-No problem :D HAHA!
Chee Yang: Hello. So will you be coming for Gift of Reading dec camp? Its on the 18th to 20th Dec
-Yup,I will be going!

Monday, November 23, 2009

I miss my jie T.T
She went Shanghai liao....
Arghs?! How i wish i can go too?
Hope my jie noe how to take care herself?!
Jie u are always the best!

Treasure your family! Family is precious then money!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

22nd of December finally come!
But my sister is going to china with the sec 3 star progamme people.

3 more days to my taiwan trip :D
Can't wait sia.....!

When can i watch lehs?

1 weeks of grounding end liao :D

JinHui: Tag!!=)
-Thanks for da tag :D
Lay Hoon ! :]: Relink kays ? tag anyw :]
-See lorhs =P
Yingxuan♥: No offence lahs, but i think your skin is meant for girls -.- .Sorry uhhs.
-No offence...Change skin liao
Shasha: Ello ! Tagged..Sitti here..
-Why u call urself shasha? Weird sia....
JinHui: Welcome=)TaGGeD!!=)JiaYou!!=)
-Okay thanks :D
jolene.: I see a lung and it is having internal bleeding! AHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHA.
-I saw ur lungs with internal bleeding larhs !
Yingxuan♥: Updated.
JinHui: Hey!!!TaG!!!!!!!!=)Cheer Up......
-Thanks for the tag and okies !
Yingxuan♥: Hohoho , Taggeed ohhs. ;D
-Thanks for the tag HOHO
shimin: link me Can?
shimin: wanted. So be happy! Ok ?
shimin: ai yah, do not care about it la, you must not show your anger cause this is what your classmates
-Thanks for telling me what to do
MINGFANG: Also not class chalet -.-
-O_O LOl!
laiyeng JIE: wad the . u nv link me . forget me le ars ?
-No larhs....

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I am a bad people.
A crazy people.
I have a bad temper and it is causing alot of problems.
How can i change? Arghs?
Why must the world have tempers?

Friday, November 13, 2009

2 days of Ocean Ambassador Job is totally tiring!
But quite fun larhs ;D

1st day:
Went to Underwater world and is Orientation day.
Walk around the underwater world then look look see see lorhs.
Then the worker brief us on what to do the 2nd day.
After the whole thing,
Went to play volley ball :D
Then we damn nub lorhs...
cannot even keep the ball in the air without touching the floor.
After that go into the see play Monkey :D
Then they always throw far far then they dun dare go take so i go lorhs lol!
Bathe then take makan and damn funny sia.
WeiShi feed the Peacock french fries then the peakock eat liao then come near them then they scared scared lol!
Take MRT and home sweet home.

2nd day:
Meet at Mrt station.
Then on the way play Truth or dare using wei shi phone.
Did a damn stupid dare.
Jump 30 times with the hand on the head then when someone say and then i must bark lol!
So embarrassing >.<
Reach there liao take monorail.
Reach the underwater world liao then we wait till 9++
went in then we go to the quarantine room to clean the tank.
Then went in the tank become wet wet lol.
Played water awhile then smell fishy...
Later went in another tank to scoop out the water.
Quite fun.
EAT after that then is time for another job.

The groups are:
Touch Pool
Magic T
Ray Pool

I did Touch Pool and Ray pool with KittYee and Shimin.
Quite fun lol!
Touch all the fishes.
So nice!
Later be Mascot :D
Fun sia!
I am sharky and Aiswarya is Pinky.
So fun lorhs.
Keep hitting her haha!
Lazy to elaborate liao....
Seeya :D

-I love my CCA and Seniors~!
Can't wait to Taiwan trip and Gift Camp :D

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

So excited sia :D
2moro go Underwater World with the whole CCA :D
Then later play play :D
Should be funn(:

I want to watch T.T
Dk when can go lorhs...
I want t go with all my best friend :D

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mood:Pissed Off....

Dun say Old people got short term memory horhs...
Today i went to the Old Folks Home to do the volunteery work,
When i want to push them back to their room,
they can tell then where they stay lehs...
Pro right?

Sian,My cough has worsen,
hope i get well soon?
Pray Pray Pray! >.<

2 more days to Underwater world
15 more days to Taiwan

Sunday, November 8, 2009

This will be a short post as i need to rest more....
Arghs! I am down with a flu again D:
Sian sia!
Will i ever recover?

Holiday liao nothing to do...
So on computer then play lorhs..
Still have 2 Hw to do and my chinese simply sux now D:
I don't know how to write the words,sentence >.<

4 more days to Underwater Ocean trip
17 more days to Taiwan trip
-Dun miss me when i am not around =P
Chey...so BHB like that....

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Can't find a nice skin D:
Let's talk about what happen today.

Today,remedial almost late D:
Tot 8.30 marhs then later realized that is 8.00
Then rushed :D
Went there not late.
Quite boring larhs but got learn till thing.

Afternoon went out with mother to go to Kwong Wai Shiu Old Folk's home to do volunteer work.
Tired arhs.
Go there push old woman/man to the so called kopi tiam..
Then i damn clumsy then i bang the wheel chair somewhere >.<
But lucky the old woman not injured.
Talk with Jolene and played her phone then

Monday, November 2, 2009

Awww! My head pain pain D:
Yesterday went to uncle house then dk the cupboard never close then bang my head on it D:
Then got one baluku D:
Hell lorhs. The cupboard and my head same height....

Today sian larhs....
Went school for remedial,
then is physics...
So sian at there.
Sms Good Senior;Jin Jin :D
Then 11.30 end class then went home!
Went home awhile go cut hair.
Okay larhs.
Wait for 2 hours then go makan mac :D
Take the monopoly stickers then the stickers not what i wan one =.=
Nvm lorhs.
Then take the nxt table the sticker =P
As they put at the table.
Now nth to do.
Lazy do homework :D