Saturday, January 31, 2009

Continue from the post....

Erm....we ate hotpot at nite and i juz accidently touch my little cousin hand and she cried.
OMG sia! LOL!

Yesterday , YES went interact club ler,
and OMG again got only 3 boii in there sia paisae lehs.
Weishi same CCA with me lorhs!
Then play icebreaker games.
After that play a name called elope.
Then elope 2.
The name quite noce barhs!
Later 5++ go home.

Today went bai nian.
Go WC and LY house!
Play awhile soccer then play awhile audi.
Later go makan
Then go wu lao shen der house bai nian also.
Then go shop lorhs.....

Now at home chionging HW and wanting to play audi! BYES!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

YAWN.... Now very sleepy sia! HAPPY CNY TO ALL! -.-

Yesterday went to Jun Wei house get extra ang bao sia!!! Ps lorhs go buy real orange not new year orange>< Dun dare ride scooter sia PS lehs!

Today sian but ok! Opps forget got HW gotta do lerhs! Later then continue!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

OMG new year is coming so excited sia!!!! Gong Xi Fa Cai! Hong Bao Na Lai!!!!! HAHAHA

Luv new year coz can wear all my seven clothes! HAHAHA! Dunno can wear my new shoe annot sia leg big lerT_T Hope can!!!! PRAY PRAY PRAY!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

zzzz.....Spencer sux like hell!!!! Say me Chao aqua! Idiot larhs he!Hong Yu u sux also!!!!!! Every body in me class sux accept Jin Han, Zhen Nan! HAHAHA!!!!!

Teacher today tok again>< so sian sia!!!!!!

Dun wan post lehs very sian larhs hungry somemore!!!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

1st time blogee in school sia!!! Diao-.-'''

I am so lame rite? No offence!!!!

Today not so boring larhs... Ms Leong never teach us!!!! YEAH!!!!! Coz our another english teacher never teach us!!!! She quite interesting sia!!!! Not lyke ms Leong tok rubbish><

Today never see Loo Loo and ShirmaineT_T Never waved to them today!!!!

HAHAHA! Go Science lab 2day yea!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do nth larhs juz tok tok tok><><

GO D&T lesson in class so Mr Ser not in class>< ><

hate Suria lorhs!!! So rude!!!

I hate spencer!!! I wish to take my revenge what he did to me!!!! He is so rude!!!!!!!!! He Sux to the core!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ms Leong today tok tok tok again!!!! So 烦leh! Tok non stop!!!!!! Zzzz......

2day got eng HW oni!!

Now i very sian lehs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saw Shirmaine twice today and we waved=P
Dunno got see Loo Xin annot? Forget lerhs!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Haha even new year is 2 weeks away i am just laming!!!!!

At school i slack lorhs. At SEL,Chinese.

SEL very sian one!!!!! Wat say thank you after the people give you thing and welcome after the people say Thank you to you! Sux lorhs!!!! Then some more must talk to your friend nicely....Blah!Blah!Blah!!!!!!!!

Today maths no HW! YEAH!!!!!! Learn HCF,Index notation,LCF and Prime number!

Chinese project i finish ler! YEA!!!!!! And the Homework done liao! Free at last!=P

Now gonna eat dinner bb

Friday, January 9, 2009

Walao my form teacher Ms Leong very Sian!!! Talk so much lorhs. Spend all period tok rubbish><. Never teach until english lorhs. So sian...Wanna sleep in her class.

After three day of orientation still very confuse of the school><. HAHA. Know some new friends and some enemy also lorhs. Met new seniors friends. The best is Loo Xin. We still got keep in touch at night! Sms to her lorhs....

Got maths homework, Quite easy barhs factors and index notation....

now very tired lehs....

Sunday, January 4, 2009




Now cannot play audi ...... ANYTHING.... ONI CAN ON COME DO HW OR EDIT BLOG LORHS.