Saturday, October 25, 2008

K larhs! Sry for not posting soooooo long as i am busy for studying,playing,schooling.


Went swimming yesterday at Buki Batok swimming pool with all the B-classters as it is normal schooldays. We go there learn some learn Bronze,Silver ,Gold and Gold *. I am learning Silver.
So 1st swim backstroke,freestyle,breaststroke,sidestroke. I am a freestyle noob as in get confuse when swimming XD! My legs always tangle up like that during freestyle=P. Backstroke okok,Breaststoke good.Sidestroke dunno lehs. During free style walao wehs! I 8 time swim through n fro i drink till the water all 8 time lehs sianx. After swimming me leg hab no strength almost fall when taking bag=P. Long time no exersise ler XP. Then go toilet change. Eric and Wei Teck call me look behind coz there is 1 instructor nude in the toilet! OMG! haha.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I am sooo sleepy and bored coz cannot play audition at night hahaha. Today afternoon got play audition larhs. My name yqrulez if wanna make fren add me k? I lvl 7 ler! Yea! But i must be lvl 8 by Tuesday! JYJYJY! My sis audi Pro! Walao! SHe BU pro dao siao! HAHAHA! I keep loosing her....='( hahaha! Means i noob larhs! LOL.....

K larhs bb!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sianx sia! Today cannot play cards in school SQPS sux lorhs! Rulez so dum 1! bu he dao li! Love watching WARS OF IN LAWS 2 rox lorhs with Boscolie inside! I am free from the punishement!LOL!Long time no post psps

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Weather:Cloudy and Windy!

Today my mum went to malaysia to see her mum and we bring her sit bus! I miss Malaysia but now still have school! Sianx! Now waiting to play com! Watch ler 1 episode of wars of in laws 2 and now feeling tired!Nth much to post as did nth now!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Although today is rainy but for me is sunny coz' tomorrow is me last day of PSLE! Free at last!Can play com ler! HAHA!

Today is Mother Tounge exam and i am not very happy about it as the composition left 15 minutes oni i still at the 2nd picture. I rush n rite n never check the dictionary for words! SAD!!!! NVM the paper easy can ler.....! Today nothing happen but now so tired! Yesterday sleep quite late! Haiz!

Going to revise! BB!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

So PSLE coming i still post! HAHA!