Wednesday, August 27, 2008

So i am bored this days larhs ! Lots of HOMEWORK!!!!!! BUT NVM now doing last 1 science! So i will not post till sat k?????


.Bosco Wong
.Myolie Wu

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Walaos! SIANS LORHS!Actually horhs can buy rollerskate 1 but KANASAI dun have me size then need to wait lorhs! BTW need to do HW lerhs bb!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Walao wehs!!!! today actually can go to watch fireworks but the weather make us cannot go so sad lorhs! HATE THE RAIN! BTW now going to be bad! Hope can play audi but promise my mother to play it after PSLE!!!! Hope can buy a rollerskate faster!!!!!!!! BB!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Yeahs !finally 2moro is a last subject science! Later need to revise! Sianx seh! Today dunno y Mrs Siva so fierce 1 but luckily she still let us go toilet.......When i am like going to the third floor toilet the cleaner just put the detergin on the floor n did'nt wash it! It stinks lorhs! Me,Ivan and Austin also wanna go i went in first and run out coz' very smelly!!!!! k larhs i wanna revise liao bb!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Stress sia! PRELIM one seh! Today got maths exam hope can PASS! 2moro got chinese but i revise science! haha!LOLlipop!!!!! NVM..........! HMM........Arhs........dots...........K wateva barhs! Actually we can see our eng exam mark 1 but Iekbar n Rizwan dun wan see so whole class cannot see lorhs!HATE THEM! NERVOUS!!!! SAD to hear that is Mrs Siva said that our class got only 4 or 5 people pass only sad!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Today agot prelim LC and stupid lorhs dun need o take bag we take lehs! So bb!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Sorry for not posting for so many days......!

Haiz..... why? must i whenever i walk past Tarman Jurong Green i will look there.Isit i still remember the time at 2nd august the celerbration? I am looking for the stage and the decorations but when i see is normal! Today is the same! I felt sad whenever i see there hope i will not look there after some after time.

Mother tounge : So shiok! We went to the meeting room and xiang shou aircon lorhs!Tks to the Oral then we can go aircon room! We go there and i slack!slack! But very cold!

Maths : Actually we can go computer lap one but all is use, so we go to the hall instead to draw things about Singapore! I drew esplanade and the background is a flag.

Recess : Sianx come down late then lan de pai dui marhs then go buy 2 pao and eat and also got buy water to drink but u know Ivan never tell me he go where then he come back with a plate of chicken rice!

Science: Ms Tan today keep scolding people one! Lots of people always throw their belonging to their people to them then i also got throw Ms Tan catch liao then call me to stand! End of her period what then i dun listen

English: Speed spelling.........

Friday, August 1, 2008


******Sob********Sob*******Sob*******! Sorry for not posting for soooo many days. I just ate durian and yummY!

Today i brought a mini RIBIKS cube and fun lorh!!! I dunno how to do lehs! NVM! But y rubiks now so popular??? Nothing more! BB!