Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Hmmm.....Watching heart of greed again and feel like it is more and more 乱. And maybe i more and more hate barhs! Hope 2moro will not be like this le as it ending liao.
Today at school ,Rizwan did it agin my most hatest thing in my life and the JIAN Ms Vani she go take her HP and record lorhs.She record until me lehs standing up and seeking help from my frens and hitting him. If she give it to my form teacher she will know what happen! Lehs! Sianx today chinese oral i sux at it lorhs! I keep saying armhs....erm... and keep repeating the same word. OMG i hate to fail lehs! Shit!Shit!Shit! HAHAHA. Some video and pics for you to see!
Singapore NDP 2008 theme song- Shine for Singapore
Hady Mirza
6B1 Class Photo
Do scroll to the right if you can't see
Today at school ,Rizwan did it agin my most hatest thing in my life and the JIAN Ms Vani she go take her HP and record lorhs.She record until me lehs standing up and seeking help from my frens and hitting him. If she give it to my form teacher she will know what happen! Lehs! Sianx today chinese oral i sux at it lorhs! I keep saying armhs....erm... and keep repeating the same word. OMG i hate to fail lehs! Shit!Shit!Shit! HAHAHA. Some video and pics for you to see!
Singapore NDP 2008 theme song- Shine for Singapore
Hady Mirza
6B1 Class Photo
Do scroll to the right if you can't see
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I think i sick lehs! At school got abot fever now headache and now watching TV the title is heart of greed form channel 55 and now i hate to watch liao as they fight! fight! fight!.............
Today at school i dunno y lot off people say me kaepoe lehs! I hate them lorhs!Jun Wei,Iekbar,Wei Jie(6B1),Rizwan n many more.......! They SUX LIKE HELL!!!! I want to punch them hit them or even kick them. I always very depressed after going to school and sad too y my teacher never do anything arhs! I wonder if they want me to get bullied anot. Haiz..... Dun feel like watching tv now but got Oral tomorrow and wish me and everyone goo luck!!!!
Today at school i dunno y lot off people say me kaepoe lehs! I hate them lorhs!Jun Wei,Iekbar,Wei Jie(6B1),Rizwan n many more.......! They SUX LIKE HELL!!!! I want to punch them hit them or even kick them. I always very depressed after going to school and sad too y my teacher never do anything arhs! I wonder if they want me to get bullied anot. Haiz..... Dun feel like watching tv now but got Oral tomorrow and wish me and everyone goo luck!!!!
Monday, July 21, 2008
1234 hi 5!
Hmmmm.........Sorry for not posting for a few days! As i think i forget all the things happen that day so lets skip to today k?
Feel so relieve after complaining to Mrs Siva about Rizwan n Iekbar as they always bully me! I wish Mrs Siva will scold them lehs. Dun say i so mean ok?! They always bully me everyday that make me angry but hope i will forgive them but i think not! HAHAHA!!!! Today got maths Hw but very less only got chinese but 2moro dun need to hand in! coz' no chi' 2moro! do you all like people to lie to you? Off course NOT!!! Hate getting lied and that's what Ivan did! I wish if later on i call Yin Shan her mother will not scold her lehs..... or better not! Hmm...... Today Angeline and Michelle got bullied by the malay and few chinese boy from our class. I help them you know what they say? Help girl only! Hate them lorhs! K larhs i want to watch tv liao bb!
Feel so relieve after complaining to Mrs Siva about Rizwan n Iekbar as they always bully me! I wish Mrs Siva will scold them lehs. Dun say i so mean ok?! They always bully me everyday that make me angry but hope i will forgive them but i think not! HAHAHA!!!! Today got maths Hw but very less only got chinese but 2moro dun need to hand in! coz' no chi' 2moro! do you all like people to lie to you? Off course NOT!!! Hate getting lied and that's what Ivan did! I wish if later on i call Yin Shan her mother will not scold her lehs..... or better not! Hmm...... Today Angeline and Michelle got bullied by the malay and few chinese boy from our class. I help them you know what they say? Help girl only! Hate them lorhs! K larhs i want to watch tv liao bb!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Haiz today P6 need to injection lehs sad larhs! I think the right hand painer then the leht hand lorhs! a boy and many girl cry lehs! I bet they think is so damm pain. BTW actually nothing to say lehs coz. But i hate this time check up. The boys are suppose to take off our underpants and let the FEMALE nurse check lehs.I so Paisae lorhs and i think my degree for the eye test is high lorhs! Xian!Today no lesson so bb!
Me class got molester!
OMG, I got injection tomorrow! =/
Hmmm....... Today is GB(Girls Brigade) day and the GB girls gathered in front. Later they will always give a talk. Then the teacher talk halfway then Huey Ting walk to teacher in front then faint on the floor
with a loud THUD! Just nice i was the second in the row and saw it very clearly. that give me very deep impression. Oh Yah and Mr Mike Tan go to the rerscue! By carrying her to the general office!
Today at library class we went to library then when i choosing book i felt somebody touch my BUTT
! OMG!
Then he call me to follow him and his name is Myat Hein! He is a Boys Molester.
1 boy named called Fahmie go ask if my PP is small or big! Ewwww! Why must he noe that yuck!
So now i hate me class more then i hate! BBUUAAIISS!
Hmmm....... Today is GB(Girls Brigade) day and the GB girls gathered in front. Later they will always give a talk. Then the teacher talk halfway then Huey Ting walk to teacher in front then faint on the floor
Today at library class we went to library then when i choosing book i felt somebody touch my BUTT
1 boy named called Fahmie go ask if my PP is small or big! Ewwww! Why must he noe that yuck!
So now i hate me class more then i hate! BBUUAAIISS!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Walaos sianx larhs today! Watch a video of Lucas Gabrbiel shaving his hair then get scolded! Walaos larhs!!!!! Nothing not suitable for child marhs!!!! Sianx! Then cannot watch must close!
Today nothing interesting larhs but went to tuition and later shop shop lorhs, slack slack lorhs! Then later go out to find fren. Vely boring lehs she came from Bedok then later she look tired then we all look bored. Have dinner and we just came back k larhs bb!
Today nothing interesting larhs but went to tuition and later shop shop lorhs, slack slack lorhs! Then later go out to find fren. Vely boring lehs she came from Bedok then later she look tired then we all look bored. Have dinner and we just came back k larhs bb!
Friday, July 11, 2008
LMAO!!!!! Today.... I hate Myat Hein lorhs say i got womb he lehs? And horhs ya all noe worhs! ME class got a girl playing the *knucles* maybe spell like that barhs! She Play like so rough like that . Hmmm.........PSLE coming now Mon,Tues,Wed,Thurs,Fri got stay back lorhs! By then horhs...... Still got many Homework,for weekend lorhs!!!! what the heck lorhs! Today art lesson horhs.... We are called to draw something on the paper fan and u noe the paper is fragile. Me fren Ivan u noe what he say???? I scared lehs,i wanna leave it normal.!!!! After hearing that i scolded him :" U are a boy! The girls has already started drawing . U wanna an F? Then give em this fan i give back to teacher!!!!" The luckily he started drawing lorhs!
He is a V.V.I.P, it is not Vely vely important people lorhs he is Very very irritating person!! So i kinda hate his irritatingness! HAHAHA!!!!!
Today is Xiang Zhi B'day! Yeahs for him!
So let me give him a B'day song:
Happy Birthday to you !
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to Xiang Zhi!
Happy Birthday to you!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Walaos lah!!!! So what if i am tall and sitting under the projector box ? No need to keep calling me to help rite? That is what happen during science! They call" Yong Quan do larhs !Yong Quan do alrhs!" Then i angry of course larhs! Got another boy taller then me,Name Wei Teck they y dun call him all because ya know rite siting under the projector box!!! Arhs!!! I so damm hate me class lorhs! Oh ya also horhs when i coming up the stairs after recess Huey Ting stop saying wait for lao shi worhs!!!! But you noe what happen after that, Me class people shout:" GO!GO!Go!"Stupid larhs! later reach class liao got 1 fren scold me!!!!!!! See ! My class so bad!
And dose'nt mean i talk with girl walk with girl means we BF and GF lorhs! Ya noe how GF & BF react
larhs they dumb 1! So if they talk to mother , Walk with mother means u are BF & GF mehs??????
And dose'nt mean i talk with girl walk with girl means we BF and GF lorhs! Ya noe how GF & BF react
Monday, July 7, 2008
On last Saturday, Wee Chieh has a new handphone that is soo cool! But i am asking meself am i jealous or what? I think i am Jealous coz' my phone is lan Bae Bae 1!
Sunday stay at home do HW and then Play Audi.
Monday Same as Sunday!
Tuesday, I Hate school lorhs! Sianx! My class pupils Sux lehs! always bully me 1! Today horh, My teacher mike not working then i think my fren dunno how to make what then i stand up wanna help then the whole class make noise 1 even say i Kae Poe . Idiotic boy! He name Iekbar! There are lots of people i wanna subo. Iekbar,Rizwan,Wei Teck. I thinking Of How to Subo them but each time i tried Failed! During science think can subo but u noe what! Mission failed. Get Scoleded By Iekbar Gain!!!!! Argss! NVM...... !
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Nothing to say!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
-_-||| Today lame lorhs!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Potter Puppet Pals-Wizard Swears
Today nothing fun but saw Mr Cao again and act cool agin! He SUX !SUX!SUX! I think Ms Tan is better! He super action 1! Homework again arhs!!!! must ask me sis again SHIT!!!!!!
Today nothing fun but saw Mr Cao again and act cool agin! He SUX !SUX!SUX! I think Ms Tan is better! He super action 1! Homework again arhs!!!! must ask me sis again SHIT!!!!!!
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