Walaos! Today vely sian lehs! Hate Mr Cao! He very dam action 1, Know how to act cool only! Today have a tiny quarrel with Ivan! But awhile dun quarrel liao fren back! My Health Edu teacher very big liar he say u never bring the book he never scold us but ended up scolding us LOL!!!!
WTH..... I still reading a book about 200 words anhd 2day teacher call us to borrow another book Walao!!! Still haven't finish reading my book yet then must read another book! I think not reading it first till i complete my 200 pages book.
Homework today got maths and all the questions i dunno how to do! XD! HAHAHAH!!!! Later must ask my sis to teach me how to do! KKKK! Buais! Buais!